

    2021-03-17 12:36:46 来源:我院          浏览数:0








  学术兼职:担任Crop Journal、Molecular Breeding、Journal of Cereal Sciences等5家SCI期刊编委;担任第12届国际麦谷蛋白大会主席





  2020.08-至今     青岛农业大学,特聘教授

  2015.08-2020.08  莫道克大学终身正教授(E级)和谷物品质学科主任,澳中小麦联合改良中心主任

  2013.08-2015.08 澳大利亚莫道克大学(Murdoch University)正教授,谷物品质学科主任,AEGIC国家谷物蛋白质化学学科建设项目主任

  2008.04-2013.07 西澳大利亚州政府农业与食品部(DAFWA)高级研究员和部门主管(特种级别SCL4),莫道克大学兼职教授,科廷大学兼职教授

  2004.11-2008.04 西澳大利亚州政府农业和食品部(DAFWA)谷物蛋白质化学研究组组长,高级分子遗传学家(七级官员)

  2003.01-2004.11 澳大利亚CSIRO植物研究所,小麦品质研究科学家

  2000.01-2003.01 澳大利亚CSIRO植物研究所,博士后

  1999.02-2000.01美国亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)植物科学系博士后



  1995.09–1999.07澳大利亚南昆士兰大学(University of Southern Queensland)植物分子遗传学,博士





  Sultana, Nigarin., Islam, Shahidul., Juhasz, Angela., Ma, Wujun* (2021) Wheat leaf senescence and its regulatory gene network. The Crop Journal. doi:10.1016/j.cj.2021.01.004

  Hu, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Islam, S., She, M., Zhao, Y., Tang, G., Jiang, Y., Rong, J., Ma, W. (2021). Consensus Genetic Linkage Map Construction Based on One Common Parental Line for QTL Mapping in Wheat. Agronomy. 11(2): 227.

  Roy, N., Islam, S., Al-Habbar, Z., Yu, Z., Liu, H., Lafiandra, D., Masci, S., Lu, M., Sultana, N., Ma, W* (2020). Contribution to Breadmaking Performance of Two Different HMW Glutenin 1Ay Alleles Expressed in Hexaploid Wheat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

  Sultana Nigarin, Shahidul Islam, Angela Juhasz, Rongchang Yang, Maoyun She,Zaid Alhabbar, Jingjuan Zhang, Wujun Ma* (2020) Transcriptomic Study for Identification of Major Nitrogen Stress Responsive Genes in Australian Bread Wheat Cultivars. Frontiers in Genetics. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2020.583785

  Zhang, Y., Hu, X., Juhasz, A., Islam, S., Yu, Z., Zhao, Y., Li,G., Ding, W., Ma, W* (2020). Characterising avenin-like proteins (ALPs) from albumin/globulin fraction of wheat grains by RP-HPLC, SDS-PAGE, and MS/MS peptides sequencing. BMC plant biology. 20(1): 45.

  Islam, S., Zhang, J., Zhao, Y., She, M., Ma, W* (2020). Genetic regulation of the traits contributing to wheat nitrogen use efficiency. Plant Science, 110759.

  Shanjida Rahman, Shahidul Islam, Zitong Yu, Maoyun She, Eviatar Nevo, Wujun Ma* (2020) Current Progress in Understanding and Recovering the Wheat Genes Lost in Evolution and Domestication. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21:(16). doi.org/10.3390/ijms21165836

  Raviraj M. Kalunke, Silvio Tundo, Francesco Sestili, Francesco Camerlengo, Domenico Lafiandra, Roberta Lupi, Colette Larré, Sandra Denery-Papini, Shahidul Islam, Wujun Ma, Stefano D’ Amico, Stefania Masci (2020) Reduction of Allergenic Potential in Bread Wheat RNAi Transgenic Lines Silenced for CM3, CM16 and 0.28 ATI Genes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21:(16). doi.org/10.3390/ijms21165817

  Shahidul Islam, Penghao Wang, Delphine Vincent, Javed Khan, Angela Juhasz, Dean Diepeveen, Richard Lipscombe, Wujun Ma, Rudi Appels (2020) Proteomic profiling of developing wheat heads under water-stress. Functional & Integrative Genomics. doi: 10.1007/s10142-020-00746-9

  Nadia Al-Saedi, Manjree Agarwal, Wujun Ma, Shahidul Islam, Yonglin Ren (2020) Study on Effect of Extraction Techniques and Seed Coat on Proteomic Distribution and Cheese Production from Soybean Milk. Molecules. 25 (14) doi: 10.3390/molecules25143237

  Xixian Duan, Haixia Yu, Wujun Ma, Jiaqiang Sun, Yun Zhao, Rongchang Yang, Tangyuan Ning, Qingfang Li, Qianqian Liu, Tingting Guo, Min Yan, Jichun Tian, Jiansheng Chen (2020) A major and stable QTL controlling wheat thousand grain weight: identification, characterization, and CAPS marker development. Molecular Breeding. 40 (7), doi: 10.1007/s11032-020-01147-3

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  Al-Saedi N, M Agarwal, W Ma, S Islam, Y Ren (2020) Proteomic characterisation of lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) milk as influenced by extraction techniques, seed coat and cultivars. Molecules. 2020, 25(8), 1782

  Y Zhang, X Hu, A Juhasz, S Islam, Z Yu, Y Zhao, G Li, W Ding, W Ma* (2020) Characterising avenin-like proteins (ALPs) from albumin/globulin fraction of wheat grains by RP-HPLC, SDS-PAGE, and MS/MS peptides sequencing. BMC Plant Biology 20 (1), 45. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-020-2259-z

  Xiaolong Wang, Rudi Appels, Xiaoke Zhang, Ferenc Bekes, Dean Diepeveen Wujun Ma, Xinzhong Hu, Shahidul Islam (2020) Solubility variation of wheat dough proteins: A practical way to track protein behaviors in dough processing. Food Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.126038

  Nandita Roy, Shahidul Islam, Zitong Yu, Meiqin Lu, Domenico Lafiandra, Yun Zhao, Masood Anwar, Jorge E. Mayer & Wujun Ma* (2020) Introgression of an expressed HMW 1Ay glutenin subunit allele into bread wheat cv. Lincoln increases grain protein content and breadmaking quality without yield penalty. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 133: 517–528

  Sarah Ahmed, Jingjuan Zhang, Hussein Farhan, Yingquan Zhang, Zitong Yu, Shahidul Islam, Jiansheng Chen, Sanda Cricelli, Andrew Foreman, WimVanden Ende, Wujun Ma, Bernard Dell (2020) Diurnal Changes in Water Soluble Carbohydrate Components in Leaves and Sucrose Associated TaSUT1 Gene Expression during Grain Development in Wheat. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(21), 8276; doi:10.3390/ijms21218276

  Mirza Dowla, Shahidul Islam, Katia Stefanova, Graham O’Hara, Wujun Ma, Ian Edwards (2020) Phenology and Dwarfing Gene Interaction Effects onthe Adaptation of Selected Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) Advanced Lines across Diverse Water-Limited Environments of Western Australia. Agriculture. doi:10.3390/agriculture10100470

  Jiang P, Xue J, Duan L, Gu Y, Mu J, Han S, Chen L, Li Y, Ma W, Yan Y, Li X (2019) Effects of high molecular weight glutenin subunit combination in common wheat on the quality of crumb structure. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 99 (4): 1501-1508

  Yang R, Juhasz A, Zhang Y, Chen X, Zhang Y, She M, Zhang J, Maddern R, Edwards I, Diepeveen D, Islam S, Ma W* (2019) Molecular characterisation of the NAM-1 genes in bread wheat in Australia. Crop and Pasture Science. 69 (12): 1173-1181

  Ma W*, Yu Z, She M, Zhao Y, Islam S. (2019) Wheat gluten protein and its impacts on wheat processing quality. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 6 (3): 279-287

  Yu Z, Peng Y, Islam S, She M, Lu M, Lafiandra D, Roy N, Juhasz A, Yan G, Ma W* (2019) Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of active y-type high molecular weight glutenin subunit genes at Glu-A1 locus in wheat. Journal of Cereal Science 86, 9-14

  Zhang, Y., Hu, X., Islam, S., She, M., Peng, Y., Yu, Z., Wylie, S., Juhasz, A., Dowla, M., Yang, R., Zhang, J., Wang, X., Dell, B., Chen, X., Nevo, E., Sun, D., Ma W* (2018) New insights into the evolution of wheat avenin-like proteins in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PNAS 115(52), 13312-13317

  Yu Z, Islam S, She M, Diepeveen D, Zhang Y, Tang G, Zhang J, Juhasz A, Yang R, Ma W* (2018) Wheat grain protein accumulation and polymerization mechanisms driven by nitrogen fertilization. The Plant Journal. 96 (6) 1160-1177

  Juhász A, Belova T, Florides C, Maulis C, Fischer I, Gell G, Birinyi Z, Ong J, Keeble-Gagnère G, Maharajan A, Ma W, Gibson P, Jia J, Lang D, Mayer K, Spannagl M, Tye-Din J, Appels R, Olsen OA (2018) Genome mapping of seed-borne allergens and immunoresponsive proteins in wheat. Science Advances. 4 (8) eaar8602 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar8602

  Ahmed S, Zhang J, Ma W, Dell B (2018) Contributions of TaSUTs to grain weight in wheat under drought. Plant Molecular Biology. doi.org/10.1007/s11103-018-0782-1

  Hu X, Peng Y, Ren X, Peng J, Nevo E, Ma W, Sun D (2018) Allelic variation of low molecular weight glutenin subunits composition and the revealed genetic diversity in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum (Desf)). Breeding Sciences. doi.org/10.1270/jsbbs.18085

  Alhabbar Z, Yang R, Juhasz A, Hu X, She M, Anwar M, Sultana N, Diepeveen D, Ma W*, Islam S (2018) NAM gene allelic composition and its relation to grain-filling duration and nitrogen utilisation efficiency of Australian wheat. PloS one e0205448. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0205448

  Jiang P, Xue J, Duan L, Gu Y, Mu J, Han S, Chen L, Li Y, Ma W, Yan Y, Li X (2019) Effects of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit combination in common wheat on the quality of crumb structure. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 99 (4): 1501-1508

  Alhabbar Z, Islam S, Yang R, Diepeveen D, Anwar M, Balotf S, Sultana N, Maddern R, She M, Zhang J, Ma W*, Juhasz A (2018) Associations of NAM-A1 alleles with the onset of senescence and nitrogen use efficiency under Western Australian conditions. Euphytica 214:180

  Dowla NU, Edwards I, O’Hara G, Islam S, Ma W* (2018) Developing Wheat for Improved Yield and Adaptation Under a Changing Climate: Optimization of a Few Key Genes. Engineering. 4 (4): 514-522

  Zhai S, Liu J, Xu D, Wen W, Yan J, Zhang P, Wan Y, Cao S, Hao Y, Xia X, Ma W, He Z (2018) A Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals a Rich Genetic Architecture of Flour Color-Related Traits in Bread Wheat. Front. Plant Sci. doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.01136

  Yu Z, Juhasz A, Islam S, Diepeveen D, Zhang J, Wang P & Ma W* (2018) Impact of mid-season sulphur deficiency on wheat nitrogen metabolism and biosynthesis of grain protein. Scientific Reports 8 (1): 2499. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-20935-8

  Balotf S, Islam S, Kavoosi G, Kholdebarin B, Juhasz A, Ma W* (2018) How exogenous nitric oxide regulates nitrogen assimilation in wheat seedlings under different nitrogen sources and levels PloS one 13 (1) doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0190269

  Roy N, Islama S, Ma J, Lu M, Torokd K, Tomoskozid S, Bekes F, Lafiandra D, Appels R, Ma W (2018) Expressed Ay HMW glutenin subunit in Australian wheat cultivars indicates a positive effect on wheat quality. Journal of Cereal Science 79: 494-500 doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2017.12.009

  Chen X, Song G, Zhang S, Li Y, Gao J, Islam S, Ma W, Li G, Ji W (2017) The allelic distribution and variation analysis of the NAM-B1 gene in Chinese wheat cultivars. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 16(6): 1294-1303.

  Wang X, Appels R, Zhang X, Bekes F, Torok K, Tomoskozid S, Diepeveen D, Ma W, Islam S (2017) Protein-transitions in and out of the dough matrix in wheat flour mixing. Food Chemistry. Doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.08.060

  Wang X, Appels R, Zhang X, Diepeveen D, Torok K, Tomoskozi S, Bekes F, Ma W, Sharp P, Islam S (2017) Protein interactions during flour mixing using wheat flour with altered starch. Food Chemistry. 231: 247-257

  Chen X, Cao X, Zhang Y, Islam S, Zhang J, Yang R, Liu J, Li G, Appels R, Keeble-Gagnere G, Ji W, He Z and Ma W* (2016) Genetic characterization of cysteine-rich type-b avenin-like protein coding genes in common wheat. Sci Rep. 6: 30692.

  Peng Y, Yu Z, Islam S, Zhang Y, Wang X, Lei Z, Yu K, Sun D, W Ma* (2016) Allelic variation of LMW-GS composition in Chinese wheat landraces of the Yangtze-River region detected by MALDI-TOF-MS. Breeding science 66 (4), 646-652

  Zhang J, Dell B, Ma W, Vergauwen R, Zhang X, Oteri T, Foreman A, Laird, D, Van den Ende W (2016) Contributions of root WSC during grain filling in wheat under drought. Frontiers in Plant Science 7(329): 904.

  Yang X, Yu X, Zhou Z, Ma W, Tang G (2016) A high-efficiency Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation system using cotyledonary node as explants in soybean (Glycine max L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,38(3):60-70 DOI 10.1007/s11738-016-2081-2



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