

    2020-03-30 11:12:26 来源:我院          浏览数:0




  1997/9–2000/7, 中国科学院植物研究所获得理学博士学位(植物学)

  1994/9–1997/7, 山东师范大学获得理学硕士学位(植物学)

  1989/9–1993/7, 山西师范大学获得理学学士学位(生物学)


  2019/10至今,    suncitygroup太阳新城,教授


  2004/4-2015/6,Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,Assistant Research Professor

  2000/10-2004/4,Max-Planck Institute of Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Postdoctoral Fellow



  近年来一直致力于玉米遗传学和功能基因组学的研究。在创制玉米功能基因组学资源的研究方面,创建GFP标记的Ds转座子插入引起的玉米单基因突变体文库,其中逾万份完成序列鉴定的突变体在美国玉米种质资源中心永久保存供玉米功能基因组学研究。在玉米遗传学研究方面,聚焦Helitrons、hAT、Mutator等不同超家族转座子的遗传学、基因组学、遗传互作及进化演变等遗传学特性解析,部分成果发表于PNAS、Nature Communication、Plant Cell、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Journal 、 Genetics以及Crop Journal等国际主流杂志。


  *corresponding authors

  1、Cong, Chunsheng, Jingsheng Tan, Chuxi Li, Fangyuan Liu, Qian Yu, Li Zhu, and Yubin Li*. Cloning of Maize TED Transposon into Escherichia coli Reveals the Polychromatic Sequence Landscape of Refractorily Propagated Plasmids. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(19): 11993.https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms231911993

  2、Jintao Liu, Kaili Zhu, Hongcui Zhao, Yubin Li, Shutang Liu, Xiyun Song* & Jun Li*. Transcriptome Analysis of Maize Ear Leaves under Long-Term Applications of Nitrogen Fertilizer and its Combinations with Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers. J Soil Sci Plant Nutr 22, 112–120 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-021-00637-3

  3、Wang F, Yu Z, Zhang M, Wang M, Lu X, Liu X, Li Yubin, Zhang X, Tan BC, Li C, Ding Z*. ZmTE1 promotes plant height by regulating intercalary meristem formation and internode cell elongation in maize. Plant Biotechnol J. 2022 Mar;20(3):526-537. doi: 10.1111/pbi.13734.

  4、Xiaoying Yang, Kaili Zhu, Xinmei Guo, Yuhe Pei, Meiai Zhao, Xiyun Song, Yubin Li, Shutang Liu, Jun Li*. Constitutive expression of aldose reductase 1 from Zea mays exacerbates salt and drought sensitivity of transgenic Escherichia coli and Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2020, 156: 436-444.

  5、Qinghua Wang, Jun Huang, Yubin Li, Hugo K. Dooner*. The unusual dRemp retrotransposon is abundant, highly mutagenic, and mobilized only in the second pollen mitosis of some maize lines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(30): 18091-18098.

  6、Changsheng Li, Xiaoli Xiang, Yongcai Huang, Yong Zhou, Dong An, Jiaqiang Dong, Chenxi Zhao, Hongjun Liu, Yubin Li, Chunguang Du, Joachim Messing, Yongrui Wu, Wenqin Wang*. Long-read Sequencing Reveals Genomic Structural Variations That Underlie Creation of Quality Protein Maize. Nature Communication 2020, (doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-14023-2).

  7、Yan Zhang*, Xiaoping Wang, Yanzhong Luo, Lan Zhang, Yuan Yao, Lu Han, Zhenhua Chen, Lei Wang*, Yubin Li*, OsABA8ox2, an ABA catabolic gene, suppresses root elongation of rice seedlings and contributes to drought response. The Crop Journal, 2020, 8(3): 480-491.

  8、Dong An, Yong Zhou, Changsheng Li, Qiao Xiao, Tao Wang, Yating Zhang, Yongrui Wu, Yubin Li, Daiyin Chao, Joachim Messing, Wenqin Wang*. Plant evolution and environmental adaptation unveiled by long-read whole-genome sequencing of Spirodela. PNAS, 2019, 116(38): 18893-18899.

  9、Hugo K. Dooner*, Qinghua Wang, Jun Huang, Yubin Li, Limei He, Wenwei Xiong, Chunguang Du. Spontaneous mutations in maize pollen are frequent in some lines and arise mainly from retrotranspositions and deletions. PNAS, 2019, 116(22): 10734-10743.

  10、Li Zhu, Daoping Wang, Jiusheng Sun, Yongying Mu, Weijun Pu, Bo Ma, Fuli Ren, Wenxiu Yan, Zhiguo Zhang, Guiying Li, Yubin Li*, Yinghong Pan*, Phenotypic and proteomic characteristics of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) albino lethal mutant sbe6-a1. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 139: 400–410.

  11、Nelson Garcia, Yubin Li, Hugo K. Dooner, Joachim Messing*, Maize defective kernel mutant generated by insertion of a Ds element in a gene encoding a highly conserved TTI2 cochaperone. PNAS, 2017, 114 (20): 5165-5170.

  12、Yubin Li; Linda Harris; Hugo K Dooner*. TED, an autonomous and rare transposon of the Mutator superfamily with a high gametophytic excision frequency. Plant Cell, 2013, 25: 3251-3265.

  13、Wenwei Xiong, Limei He, Yubin Li, Hugo K. Dooner*, Chunguang Du*. InsertionMapper: a pipeline tool for the identification of targeted sequences from multidimensional high throughput sequencing data. BMC Genomics, 2013, 14:679 (DOI: 10.1186/10.1186/1471-2164-14-679).

  14、Yubin Li, Segal, G., Wang, Q., and Dooner, H.K*.
Gene tagging with engineered Ds elements in maize. In Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Transposable Elements, T. A. Peterson (ed.). Humana Press Inc., New York 2013; 1057:83-99.

  15、Yubin Li, HK Dooner*.
Helitron Proliferation and Gene-Fragment Capture. In Topics in Current Genetics vol. "Plant Transposable Elements - Impact on Genome Structure & Function", Marie-Angele Grandbastien & Josep Casacuberta Suner, ed; Series Editor: Stefan Hohmann. Springer Science, 2012, 24: 193-217.

  16、Yubin Li, Hugo K Dooner*.
Excision of Helitron Transposons in Maize. Genetics. 2009, 182(1): 399-402 (Issue Highlights).

  17、Mario Roccaro*, Yubin Li, Hans Sommer, Heinz Saedler. ROSINA (RSI) is part of a CACTA transposable element, TamRSI, and links flower development to transposon activity. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2007, 278 (3): 243-254.

  18、Mario Roccaro*, Yubin Li, Simona Masiero, Heinz Saedler, Hans Sommer.
ROSINA (RSI), a novel protein with DNA-binding capacity, acts during floral organ development in Antirrhinum majus. Plant J. 2005,  43 (2): 238-50.

  19、Jinsheng Lai, Yubin Li, Joachim Messing, Hugo K Dooner*.
Gene movement by Helitron transposons contributes to the haplotype variability of maize. PNAS. 2005, 102 (25): 9068-73.


  1. 从春生,李玉斌*。Mutator超家族转座子研究进展。遗传,

  2020,42(2), 131-144。

  1. 任富莉,潘映红,张笑笑,蒲伟军,牟永莹,李玉斌,张桦,朱莉*。基于多重表型的高粱耐盐性综合评价方法。中国农业科技导报,2019, 21(6):152-162。
  2. 张笑笑,潘映红,任富莉,蒲伟军,王道平,李玉斌,陆平,李桂英,朱莉*。基于多重表型分析的准确评价高粱抗旱性方法的建立。作物学报,2019,45 (11): 1714-1724。


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,玉米TED转座子转座遗传特性及功能结构域解析(32072011), 2021年-2024年, 58万元,主持;

  2. 新疆维吾尔自治区柔型人才引进项目,玉米应对极端气候的关键基因资源挖掘及优异种质组合的发现及培育,2020-2023年, 30万,主持;

  3. 青岛农业大学高层次人才科研基金,玉米应对极端气候的关键基因调控网络解析及优异种质培育,2019-2024年, 100万,主持;

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 玉米自主性Helitron转座子的分子克隆与遗传特性研究 (31871642), 2019-2022年, 60万元,主持;

  5. 中国农业科学院科技创新工程“青年英才”计划,2015-2019年, 330万元,主持;

  6. “十三五”国家重点研发计划,"七大农作物育种"重点专项作物规模化基因鉴定与基因组育种技术平台(2016YFD0101001),2016-2020年,50万,科研骨干;

  7. 三亚崖州湾科技城管理局2020年度科技计划项目,抗草地贪夜蛾兼耐热玉米新品种培育及市场推广(SKJC-2020-02-005),2020-2023年, 50万,科研骨干。

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