

    2023-03-13 19:52:33           浏览数:0









  电子邮箱:zhaoxia_1019@126.com; zhaoxiali@qau.edu.cn

  学术兼职:Plants、 Frontiers in Plant Science专题或审稿编辑



  1. 多维度组学研究玉米非生物胁迫热、干旱和盐胁迫响应机制及调控网络;

  2. 多层次鉴定热激转录反应、内质网胁迫反应、和自噬等在玉米热、干旱和盐胁迫响应中的作用;

  3. RNA可变剪切和无义介导的mRNA降解在玉米热、干旱和盐胁迫响应中的作用;




  2022/11-目前,   suncitygroup太阳新城, 讲师

  2016/05 - 2021/06,  爱荷华州立大学,植物科学研究所/遗传、发育与细胞生物学系, 博士后

  2011-07 - 2016-05, 山东大学生命科学学院,研究助理,兼山东连发农业科技有限公司, 技术研发


  2005/09 - 2011/06, 山东大学, 细胞生物学, 博士

  2001/09 - 2005/06, 唐山师范学院, 生物科学与技术, 学士



  (1)玉米热胁迫响应机制研究和耐热, 山东省海外优青项目,2023-2025年,60万元,在研,主持。

  (2) National Science Foundation, Plant Genome Research Program (美国自然科学基金,植物基因组研究项目), IOS 1444339, Role of the Unfolded Protein Response in Environmental Stress Tolerance in Maize (蛋白质非折叠响应在玉米环境胁迫耐受性中的作用)2016-07 至 2021-06, 255.15万美元, 结题, 参与 。

  (3)Iowa State University, Plant Sciences Institute Research Scholar, Plant Sciences Institute Research Scholar awards to S.H.H, Plant Sciences Institute Research Scholar awards to S.H.H,, 2016-03 至 2021-02, 50万美元, 结题, 参与 。

  (4) 国家自然科学基金委, 面上项目, 31571674, 玉米NF-Y复合体的作用机制及在抗逆育种中的应用, 2016-01 至 2019-12, 80.008万元, 参与 。

  (5) 农业部转基因生物专项办公室, 转基因生物重大专项课题, 2014ZX0800303B, 促进根系发育和胁迫响 应的多价转基因抗旱玉米新品种培育(任务), 2014-01 至 2016-06, 69.52万元, 结题, 参与 。



  (1)Yaling Yang, Baomei Wang, Jiemin Wang,Chunmei He,Dengfeng Zhang, Peng Li,Juren Zhang  and Zhaoxia Li*. (2022) Transcription factors ZmNF-YA1 and ZmNF-YB16 regulate plant growth and drought tolerance in maize. Plant Physiology, 190: 1506-1525. 通讯作者

  (2)Zhaoxia Li, Jie Tang, Diane C Bassham and Stephen H Howell. (2021) Daily temperature cycles promote alternative splicing of RNAs encoding SR45a, a splicing regulator in maize. Plant Physiology 186(2): 1318-1335.

  (3)Zhaoxia Li, Jie Tang, Renu Srivastava, Diane Bassham, Stephen H Howell. (2020) The Transcription Factor bZIP60 Links the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) to the Heat Stress Response (HSR) in Maize. The Plant Cell 32: 3559–3575.

  (4) Zhaoxai Li, Can Liu, Ying Zhang, Baomei Wang, Qijun Ran, Juren Zhang. (2019) The bHLH family member ZmPTF1 regulates drought tolerance in maize by promoting root development and ABA synthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 70(19): 5471-5486.

  (5)Zhaoxia Li, Xinrui Zhang, Yajie Zhao, Yujie Li, Guangfeng Zhang, Zhenhua Peng, Juren Zhang. (2018) Enhancing auxin accumulation in maize root tips improves root growth and dwarfs plant height. Plant Biotechnology Journal 16(1): 86-99.


  (6)Zhaoxia Li and Juren Zhang. (2022) Effects of Raised Ambient Temperature on the Local and Systemic Adaptions of Maize. Plants 11(6): 755.

  (7)Zhaoxia Li and Stephen H Howell. (2021) Heat Stress Responses and Thermotolerance in Maize. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(2): 948.

  (8)Zhaoxia Li and Stephen H Howell. (2021) The two faces of IRE1 and their role in protecting plants from stress. Plant Science 303: 110758.

  (9)Baomei Wang, Can Liu, Dengfeng Zhang, Chunmei He, Juren Zhang, Zhaoxia Li*. (2019) Effects of maize organ-specific drought stress response on yields from transcriptome analysis. BMC Plant Biology 19(1): 335. 通讯作者

  (10)Zhaoxia Li, Peng Li, Juren Zhang. (2019) Expression analysis of PIN-formed auxin efflux transporter genes in maize. Plant Signaling & Behavior 14(9): 1632689

  (11)Xinrui Zhang, Baomei Wang, Yajie Zhao, Juren Zhang, and Zhaoxia Li*. (2019) Auxin and GA signaling play important roles in the maize response to phosphate deficiency. Plant Science, 283: 177-188. 通讯作者

  (12)Zhaoxia Li, Renu Srivastava, Jie Tang, Zihao Zheng, Stephen H Howell. (2018) Cis-effects Condition the Induction of a Major Unfolded Protein Response Factor, ZmbZIP60, in Response to Heat Stress in Maize. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 833.

  (13)Zhaoxia Li, Xinrui Zhang, Xiuxia Liu, Yajie Zhao, Baomei Wang, Juren Zhang. (2016) miRNA alterations are important mechanism in maize adaptations to low-phosphate environments. Plant Science 252:103-117.

  (14)Zhaoxia Li, Changzheng Xu, Kunpeng Li, Shi Yan, Xun Qu, Juren Zhang. (2012) Phosphate starvation of maize inhibitslateral root formation and alters gene expression in the lateral root primordium zone. BMC Plant Biology 12: 89.

  (15)Zhaoxia Li, Qiang Gao, Yazheng Liu, Chunmei He, Xinrui Zhang, Juren Zhang. (2011) Overexpression of transcription factor ZmPTF1 improves low phosphate tolerance of maize by regulating carbon metabolism and root growth. Planta 233(6): 1129-1143.

  (16)李朝霞, 高强, 刘雅正, 何春梅, 张举仁 (2007) 玉米ZmPTF1基因克隆和过表达分析。湖南农业大学学报 (自然科学版), Z1: 92-96.


  (17)Renu Srivastava, Zhaoxia Li, Giulia Russo, Jie Tang, Ran Bi, Usha Muppirala, Andrew Severin, Mingze He, Samuel Vaitkevicius, Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, Peng Liu, Ann Stapleton, Diane Bassham, Federica Brandizzi, Stephen Howell. (2018) Response to persistent ER Stress in plants: a multiphasic Process that Transitions Cells from Prosurvival Activities to Cell Death. The Plant Cell 30(6): 1220-1242.

  (18)Guangning Xie, Zhaoxia Li, Qijun Ran, Hui Wang, Juren Zhang. (2018) Over-expression of mutated ZmDA1 or ZmDAR1 gene improves maize kernel yield by enhancing starch synthesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 16(1): 234-244.

  (19)Peng Li, Zhaoxia Li, Gaungming Xie and Juren Zhang. (2021) Trihelix Transcription Factor ZmThx20 Is Required for Kernel Development in Maize. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(22): 12137.

  (20)Baomei Wang, Zhaoxia Li, Qijun Ran, Peng Li, Zhenghua Peng, Juren Zhang. (2018) ZmNF-YB16 overexpression improves drought resistance and yield by enhancing photosynthesis and the antioxidant capacity of maize plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 709.

  (21)Can Liu, Baomei Wang, Zhaoxia Li, Zhenghua Peng, Juren Zhang. (2018) TsNAC1 is a Key Transcription Factor in Abiotic Stress Resistance and Growth in T. halophile. Plant physiology 176(1): 742-756

  (22)Haizhen Ma, Can Liu, Zhaoxia Li, Qijun Ran, Guangning Xie, Baomei Wang, Shuang Fang, Jinfang Chu, Juren Zhang. (2018) ZmbZIP4 contributes to stress resistance in maize by regulating ABA synthesis and root development. Plant Physiology 178(2): 753-770.

  (23)Kunpeng Li, Chuangzheng Xu, Zhaoxia Li, Kewei Zhang, Aaifang Yang, Juren Zhang. (2008) Comparative proteome analyses of phosphorus responses in maize (Zea mays L.) roots of wild-type and a low-P-tolerant mutant reveal root characteristic associated with phosphorus efficiency. The Plant Journal 55(6): 927-939.

  (24)Can Liu, Haizhen Ma, Jie Zhou, Zhaoxia Li, Zhenghua Peng, Fei Guo, Juren Zhang. (2019) TsHD1 and TsNAC1 cooperatively play roles in the plant growth and abiotic stress resistance of T. halophile. The Plant Journal 99(1): 81-97.



  审定编号:鲁审玉20186037 (品种名称连发666);育种单位:山东连发农业科技有限公司、山东大学生命科学学院 (人员李朝霞、徐绍栋)。审定单位:山东省农作物品种审定委员会。公告号:鲁农种子 (2018) 18号。


  (1)李朝霞; 靳传娣; 徐绍栋。CN105063070A,ZL 2015 1 0552397.X。 山东连发农业科技有限公司。一种抗除草剂草甘膦基因表达结构及其在玉米中的应用。授权。

  (2) 张举仁; 李朝霞; 李鹏。山东大学。CN112322654A,ZL 2020 1 1112740.6。玉米转录因子ZmMYB42基因在植物抗旱育种中的应用。授权

  (3)张举仁;  李鹏; 李朝霞。山东大学。CN112410370A,ZL 2020 1 1112738.9。玉米10kDa热激蛋白基因ZmHsp10在改变植物抗逆性中的应用。授权

  (4)张举仁; 李朝霞; 王保梅。CN105400792A,ZL 2014 1 0796904.X。山东大学。一种玉米核因子基因ZmNF-YA3在改变植物抗逆性中的应用。授权。

  (5)张举仁; 李朝霞; 王保梅。CN104450742A。ZL 2014 1 0796904.X。山东大学。玉米核因子基因ZmNF-YB3及其同源基因的应用。授权。

  (6)张举仁; 李朝霞; 解光宁。CN105349551B,ZL 201510916723.0。山东大学。一种玉米mZmDEP基因和其表达抑制结构在玉米抗逆育种中的应用。授权。

  (7)张举仁; 李朝霞; 解光宁。CN105349574B,ZL 2015 1 0916773.9。山东大学。抑制玉米ZmDAR1家族基因表达提高玉米籽粒产量的方法。授权。

  (8)张举仁; 李朝霞; 刘秀霞。CN104388448B,ZL 2014 1 0795187.9。山东大学。一种玉米磷脂酶A2基因ZmsPLA2-1及其应用。授权

  (9)张举仁; 李朝霞; 张新蕊。CN102296084A,ZL 2011 1 0260647.4。山东大学。生长素输出载体PIN1家族基因在玉米、高粱育种中的应用。授权。

  (10)张举仁; 李朝霞; 李坤朋; 张广峰。CN101979550B,ZL 2010 1 0500388.3。山东大学。玉米磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶基因启动子克隆和应用。授权。

  (11)张举仁; 李朝霞; 李坤朋; 张广峰。CN101979551B,ZL 2010 1 0500394.9。山东大学。玉米苹果酸脱氢酶基因启动子序列克隆和应用。授权。



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