

    2021-03-12 19:30:19 来源:我院          浏览数:0
















  2020/3-目前,     suncitygroup太阳新城教授

  2011/7-2020/3,   山东农业大学生科院植物学系,博士生导师,教授

  2012/2-2017/2,     山东省 “泰山学者”海外特聘教授

  2008/8-2009/12, 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD),细胞和分子生物学系,博士后

  2003/12-2008/8, 美国印地安纳大学布鲁明顿分校(IU,bloomington), 细胞和分子生物学系,博士后


  1998/8-2002/6, 中国科学院北京植物研究所光合与资源环境研究中心,  植物分子生物学博士

  1994/8-1998/8,  中国科学技术大学生物系,细胞生物学硕士

  1989/9-1993/6,  安徽大学生物系,生物化学学士


  1.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,31370325, 拟南芥生长素组成型反应突变体的鉴定及其突变体car1-1根尖分生组织维持缺陷的机理研究,起止时间 2014.01-2017.12,79万元,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31071066,WAR1蛋白在植物囊泡运输介导的生长素极性运输中的作用机理,起止日期:2010-2013,25万元,主持。

  3.  国家自然科学基金委重点集成项目,91217308,生长素和细胞分裂素调节离体器官发生的分子调控网络,起止年月:2013.01-2015.12,280万元,参加。

  4.  Zou Wenjiao, Liu Kui, Gao Xueping, Yu Changjiang, Wang Xiaodong, Shi Junjie, Chao Yanru, Yu Qian, Zhou Gongke, Ge Lei*.(2021) Arabidopsis WXR1/3 regulate transitory starch metabolism in young seedlings corresponding to circadian rhythm. Journal Experimental Botany. Feb 11:erab056. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erab056. Online ahead of print.

  5.  Liu Kui, Zou Wenjiao, Gao Xueping, Wang Xiaodong, Yu Qian, Ge Lei*. ( 2019)  Young seedlings adapt to stress by retaining starch and retarding growth through ABA-Dependent and -independent pathways in Arabidopsis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 6;515(4):699-705.

6.  Qian-Qian Zhang, Ying Li, Zhao-Ying Fu, Xun-Biao liu, Kai Yuan, Ying Fang, Yan Liu, Gang Li, Xian-Sheng Zhang, Kang Chong, and Lei Ge* (2018) Intact CTD of Arabidopsis RPB1 Maintains the Stem Cell Niches Mediated by Cell Cycling Control. Plant Journal, May 12. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13939.

  7.  Li Ying, Hu Die, Li Yi, Yang Bo, Yu Qian and Ge Lei*. (2018) Full-length RPB1 is required in two-step regeneration. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications ,May 23;499(4):895-900.

  8. Zhang T, Lv W, Zhang H, Ma L, Li P, Ge L, Li G*. (2018)Genome-wide analysis of the basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) transcription factor family in maize. BMC Plant Biol. Oct 16;18(1):235.

  9.  张倩倩,郑童,予茜,葛磊*(2018)生长素与植物根尖干细胞巢的维持(综述). 植物学报  53 (1): 1–14.

  10.  Kong F, Zhang T, Liu J, Heng S, Shi Q, Zhang H, Wang Z, Ge L, Li P, Lu X, Li G*. (2017)  Regulation of Leaf Angle by Auricle Development in Maize. Molecular Plant. 6;10(3):516-519

  11.  Xu Y., Zhang X., Li Q., Cheng Z., Lou H., Ge Lei*., An H*. (2015)  BdBRD1, a brassinosteroid C-6 oxidase homolog in Brachypodium distachyon L., is required for multiple organ development. Plant Physiol Biochem. Nov 21;86C;91-99

  12.  Ge Lei, W. Peer, A. Murphy, S. Robert, J. Friml, S. Ye, J. Cohen, R. Swarup, M. Prigge, and M. Estelle*. (2010) The Arabidopsis ROOT UVB SENSITIVE2/WEAK AUXIN RESPONSE1 gene is required for polar auxin transport . Plant Cell 22 :1749-1761

  13.  Ge Lei, Chen H, Jiang JF, Zhao Y, Xu ML, Xu YY, Tan KH, Xu ZH, Chong K*. (2004)Overexpression of OsRAA1 Causes Pleiotropic Phenotypes in Transgenic Rice Plants, including Altered Leaf, Flower, and Root Development and Root Response to Gravity. Plant Physiol. 2004 Jul;135(3):1502-13.

  14.  Lei Ge, K., Chong, K.H., Tan, and Z.H., Xu* (2001) The new proceeding of flowering control in rice. (Review in Chinese) Chinese Science Bulletin(科学通报) 46(9):705-711.

  15.  Lei Ge, J. Z., Liu, W. S., Wong, W. L. W., Hsiao, K., Chong, Z. H., Xu, S.F.,Yang, S. D., Kung and N., Li* (2000) Identification of a novel multiple environmental factor-responsive 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene, NT-ACS2, from tobacco. Plant Cell and Environments. 23(11):1169-1182.

  16. Xiaoqing Yang, Sungsu Lee, Jai-hyun So, Suni Dharmasiri, Nihal Dharmasiri, Lei Ge, Carolyn Jensen, Roger Hangarter, Lawrence Hobbie, Mark Estelle* (2004) The IAA1 protein is encoded by AXR5 and is a substrate of SCFTIR1. Plant Journal. 40 (5):772-783

  17.  Xu ML, Jiang JF, Ge Lei, Xu YY, Chen H, Zhao Y, Bi YR, Wen JQ, Chong K*. (2005) FPF1 transgene leads to altered flowering time and root development in rice. Plant Cell Rep. May;24(2):79-85

  18.  Wang H, Ge Lei, Ye HC, Chong K, Liu BY, Li GF*. (2004) Studies on the effects of fpf1 gene on Artemisia annua flowering time and on the linkage between  flowering and artemisinin biosynthesis. Planta Med. 2004 Apr;70(4):347-52





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